!!*!!New Freinds And Old Freinds!!*!!
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine.
Friendships that have stood the test -
Time and change - are surely best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.
For 'mid old friends, tried and true,
Once more we our youth renew.
But old friends, alas! may die,
New friends must their place supply.
Cherish friendship in your breast-
New is good, but old is best;
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.......
~*~ White Rose ~*~
In the storm
Stands the white rose
tumultuous waves
of destruction abound her
Yet tall is the white rose
strong in the face
Of the sensed doom around her
And she does not bow down
Pure is the white rose
In the compost earth
growing eternal strength
in the nights that so hurt
I see not the white rose
She is so far away
But I long to protect her
But only the words can I say
So I send her my words
And my poets heart
To help her when
there is hope to see her through
Be Strong little flower
Your heart will guide true
And as long as you want
I will always talk to you
~*~ The Gift of Friends ~*~
There are days when
bubbling from us comes
the innocent child within,
who giggles at the little things
and wears a silly grin.
There are days when
melancholy comes to
visit for a while;
the mind feels tired, the body weak;
we have no strength to smile.
There are days when
joy abundant
grabs a hold of you and me;
wraps us up in all it's splendor,
lifts us up and sets us free.
There are days when
sorrow wraps us
in its cloak of grief and fear,
'till our hearts ache to the breaking,
'till our eyes can't shed a tear.
There are days when
love bestows us
with its wonderment and light;
with its beauty and its mystery,
its power and its might.
And there are days when
life rewards us
and seems to make amends
by granting us a marvelous gift,
the precious gift of Friends.
~*~ Thank You ~*~
You took me in under your wings
When I was too scared to fly
You told me that I had to live
When all I wanted was to die
You saw the fear and sadness I had
By only the sound of my voice
You said I didn't have to talk-
You were the first to give me that choice
You told me just to take my time
We'll always have next week
There were many, many times
When you'd just let me weep
You somehow made me smile, though
Through my pain and all the tears
You told me all about my life
And what happened in those years
To my surprise you were right
You already knew me so well
So I decided to stick with you
"I like her already, I can tell. "
You opened my heart very slow
And took a look inside
Then you found the part of me
That I wanted so badly to hide
But you didn't laugh, nor did you leave
You didn't say I was wrong
You told me that I'd be fine -
Something I'd needed so long
Then I realized something was wrong
When I sat there all those days
Then I finally figured it out
It was something I didn't say
Thank you was all that I could get out
Though I wanted to say much more
You have taught me of life and love
And that I have something to live for.